A Musicall Banquet – VI. O dear life

Anonimo (XVI-XVII secolo): O dear life, when shall it be, ayre su testo di Philip Sidney (1554 - 1586) tratto da Astrophel and Stella (Tenth Song). Emma Kirkby, soprano; David Thomas, basso; The Consort of Musicke, dir. Anthony Rooley.

O dear life, when shall it be
That mine eyes thine eyes may see;
And in them thy mind discover,
Whether absence hath had force,
Thy remembrance to divorce
From the image of thy lover?

Or if I myself find not,
After [Though my] parting aught forgot:
Nor debarr’d from Beauty’s treasure,
Let no tongue aspire to tell
In what high joys I shall dwell,
Only Thought aims at the pleasure.

Thought, therefore, I will send thee
To take up the place for me:
Long I will not after tarry:
There, unseen, thou may’st be bold,
Those fair wonders to behold,
Which in them my hopes do carry.

Thought, see thou no place forbear,
Enter bravely everywhere;
Seize on all to her belonging:
But, if thou wouldst guarded be,
Fearing her beams, take with thee
Strength of liking, rage of longing.

O my thought! my thoughts surcease,
Thy delights my woes increase;
My life fleets with too much thinking:
Think no more, but die in me,
Till thou shalt revived be,
At her lips my nectar drinking.

È di autore ignoto anche il secondo brano su testo di Philip Sydney inserito da Robert Dowland nella raccolta A Musicall Banquet (Londra 1610, n. V).

la 10ª canzone di Astrophel and Stella ispirò anche William Byrd (c1540 - 1623), che sui versi di Sidney compose un partsong a 5 voci (pubblicato in Songs of sundrie natures, 1589, n. 33). L’ascoltiamo qui nella interpretazione a voce sola con ac­com­pa­gna­mento strumentale dei Musicians of Swanne Alley, solista il soprano Emily van Evera: