Tredici anni!

With carols and songs

Anonimo (sec. XVI): All Hail to the Days, carol natalizio inglese, noto anche come Drive the Cold Winter Away e In Praise of Christmas. The Baltimore Consort (strumentale); The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers.

All hail to the days
  that merit more praise
Than all the rest of the year,
And welcome the nights
  that double delights,
As well for the poor as the peer!
Good fortune attend
  each merry man’s friend,
That doth but the best that he may;
Forgetting old wrongs,
  with carols and songs,
To drive the cold winter away.

This time of the year
  is spent in good cheer,
And neighbours together do meet,
To sit by the fire,
  with friendly desire,
Each other in love do greet;
Old grudges forgot,
  are put in the pot,
All sorrows aside they lay,
The old and the young
  doth carol his song,
To drive the cold winter away.

To mask and to mum
  kind neighbours will come
With wassails of nut-brown ale,
To drink and carouse
  to all in the house,
As merry as bucks in the dale;
Where cake, bread and cheese
  is brought for your fees,
To make you the longer stay;
At the fire to warm
  will do you no harm,
To drive the cold winter away.

Felice inverno a tutti 🙂

In paradiso

Puck nel prato

Due pensieri di Mark Twain (30 novembre 1835 - 1910):

«Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.»

(In Paradiso si entra per benevolenza; se vi si andasse per meriti, tu resteresti fuori e entrerebbe il tuo cane.)

«The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man’s.»

(Il cane è un gentiluomo. Spero di andare nel suo Paradiso, non in quello degli uomini.)


Ciao! Io sono Puck e oggi compio undici anni 😊