Nel nostro reciproco sogno

Ci fu un tempo in cui, per avere l’opportunità di scattare una fotografia piena di colori, bastava che passassi a trovare mia madre…

Quale musica associare a un’immagine floreale? C’è solo l’imbarazzo della scelta.
Mi pare che il Blumine, in origine II movimento della Prima Sinfonia di Gustav Mahler, faccia al caso nostro.

Il titolo di questo articolo è tratto da una poesia (inglese) di Pessoa, Her fingers toyed absently with her rings:

There are fallen angels in the way you look
    And great bridges over silent streams in your smile.
Your gestures are a lonely princess dreaming over a book
    At a window over a lake, on some distant isle.

If I were to stretch my hand and touch yours that would be
    Dawn behind the turrets of a city in some East.
The words hidden in my gesture would be moonlight on the sea
    Of your being something in my soul like gaiety in a feast.

Let your silence tell me of the numberless dreams that are you,
    Let the drooping of your eyelids veil landscapes far away.
I ask no more than that you should come into my dreams and be true
    To the wider seas within me and my inner eternal day.

Do not scatter the silence that is the palace where our consciousness
    Is now living at unity our duplicate lives of one soul.
What are we, in our dream of each other, but a picture which is
    The masterpiece of a painter that never painted at all?

5 pensieri riguardo “Nel nostro reciproco sogno
