5 pensieri riguardo “Valzer viennese

  1. Hello Claudio, today I am really happy because it has been one month since I started my blog with the simple purpose of creating art content to help improve the mental health of others and then there are 158 visitors and 278 likes my contents from all around the world. I want to say thank you to those who have been supporting me. Honestly, it was unexpected that I could make them feel happy and inspired with unique content featuring beautiful pictures and interesting topics. I hope more people can be helped to experience happiness and calmness through my content. If there is somebody who wants to enjoy my content, I am really open to all, because I believe my content is very effective in improving someone’s mental health.

    "Mi piace"

    1. Introduzione in tempo di marcia e cinque valzer in uno, è il più classico dei classici. Perfetta l’interpretazione dei Wiener Symphoniker diretti da Robert Stolz, che nel pieno rispetto della tradizione (e ci mancherebbe!) anticipano di uno zinzino il 2° tempo di battuta e rallentano il 3°. Non c’è dubbio, siamo a Kakania!
      Buona serata 🙂

      Piace a 1 persona
