Icaro – un titolo per far volare la fantasia

Lera Auėrbach (21 ottobre 1973): Icarus, poema sinfonico (2006). The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, dir. Mark Wigglesworth.

« The title Icarus was given to this work after it was written. All my music is abstract, but by giving evocative titles I invite the listener to feel free to imagine, to access his own memories, associations. Icarus is what came to my mind, listening to this work at that time. Each time I hear the piece — it is different. What is important to me is that it connects to you, the listener, in the most individual and direct way, that this music disturbs you, moves you, soars with you, stays with you. You don’t need to understand how or why — just allow the music to take you wherever it takes you. It is permissible to daydream while listening or to remember your own past. It is fine not to have any images at all, but simply experience the sound » (Lera Auėrbach).


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