Poesie indù

Maurice Delage (13 novembre 1879 - 1961): Quatre Poèmes hindous (1912). Janet Baker, mezzo­soprano; Melos Ensemble, dir. Bernard Keeffe.

I. Madras: Une belle

Une belle à la taille svelte
se promène sous les arbres de la forêt,
en se reposant de temps en temps.
Ayant relevé de la main
les trois voiles d’or
qui lui couvre les seins,
elle renvoie à la lune
les rayons dont elle était baignée.

II. Lahore: Un sapin isolé (Gérard de Nerval, da Heinrich Heine) [2:22]

Un sapin isolé se dresse sur une montagne
Aride du Nord. Il sommeille.
La glace et la neige l’environne
D’un manteau blanc.

Il rêve d’un palmier qui là-bas
Dans l’Orient lointain se désole,
Solitaire et taciturne,
Sur la pente de son rocher brûlant.

III. Bénarès: Naissance de Bouddha [6:21]

En ce temps-là fut annoncé
la venue de Bouddha sur la terre.
Il se fit dans le ciel un grand bruit de nuages.
Les Dieux, agitant leurs éventails et leurs vêtements,
répandirent d’innombrables fleurs merveilleuses.
Des parfums mystérieux et doux se croisèrent
comme des lianes dans le souffle tiède de cette nuit de printemps.
La perle divine de la pleine lune
s’arrêta sur le palais de marbre,
gardé par vingt mille éléphants,
pareils à des collines grises de la couleur de nuages.

IV. Jaipur: Si vous pensez à elle [7:50]

Si vous pensez à elle,
vous éprouvez un douloureux tourment.
Si vous la voyez,
votre esprit se trouble.
Si vous la touchez,
Vous perdez la raison.
Comment peut-on l’appeler bien-aimée?

Dal Diario di Virginia Woolf

Dominick Argento (1927 - 20 febbraio 2019): From the Diary of Virginia Woolf, ciclo di composizioni per canto e pianoforte (1974). Janet Baker, mezzosoprano, e Martin Isepp, pianoforte (primi interpreti).
I testi sono tratti da A Writer’s Diary: Being Extracts from the Diary of Virginia Woolf, pubblicato nel 1954; il ciclo valse a Dominick Argento il Premio Pulitzer per la musica nel 1975. In merito a questo lavoro del compositore statunitense sono disponibili in rete un’accurata analisi di Noelle Woods e una guida all’interpretazione curata da Jacquelyn Matava.

I. The Diary (April, 1919)

What sort of diary should I like mine to be? Something… so elastic that it will embrace anything, solemn, slight or beautiful that comes into my mind. I should like it to resemble some deep old desk… in which one flings a mass of odds and ends without looking them through. I should like to come back, after a year or two, and find that the collection had sorted itself and refined itself and coalesced, as such deposits so mysteriously do, into a mould, transparent enough to reflect the light of our life…

II. Anxiety (October, 1920) [3:56]

Why is life so tragic; so like a little strip of pavement over an abyss. I look down; I feel giddy; I wonder how I am ever to walk to the end. But why do I feel this: Now that I say it I don’t feel it. The fire burns; we are going to hear the Beggar’s Opera. Only it lies all about me; I can’t keep my eyes shut… And with it all how happy I am—if it weren’t for my feeling that it’s a strip of pavement over an abyss.

III. Fancy (February, 1927) [5:53]

Why not invent a new kind of play; as for instance:
Woman thinks…
He does.
Organ plays.
She writes.
They say:
She sings.
Night speaks
They miss

IV. Hardy’s Funeral (January, 1928) [8:34]

Yesterday we went to Hardy’s funeral. What did I think of? Of Max Beerbohm’s letter… or a lecture… about women’s writing. At intervals some emotion broke in. But I doubt the capacity of the human animal for being dignified in ceremony. One catches a bishop’s frown and twitch; sees his polished shiny nose; suspects the rapt spectacled young priest, gazing at the cross he carries, of being a humbug; …next here is the coffin, an overgrown one; like a stage coffin, covered with a white satin cloth; bearers elderly gentlemen rather red and stiff, holding to the corners; pigeons flying outside, …procession to poets corner; dramatic “In sure and certain hope of immortality” perhaps melodramatic… Over all this broods for me some uneasy sense of change and mortality and how partings are deaths; and then a sense of my own fame… and a sense of the futility of it all.

V. Rome (May, 1935) [15:03]

Rome: tea. Tea in café. Ladies in bright coats and white hats. Music. Look out and see people like movies… Ices. Old man who haunts the Greco… Fierce large jowled old ladies…talking about Monaco (; about) Talleyrand. Some very poor black wispy women. The effect of dowdiness produced by wispy hair. (Rome. Sunday café… Very cold…) The Prime Minister’s letter offering to recommend me for the Companion of Honour. No.

VI. War (June, 1940) [18:19]

This, I thought yesterday, may be my last walk… the war — our waiting while the knives sharpen for the operation — has taken away the outer wall of security. No echo comes back. I have no surroundings… Those familiar circumvolutions — those standards — which have for so many years given back an echo and so thickened my identity are all wide and wild as the desert now. I mean, there is no “autumn”, no winter. We pour to the edge of a precipice… and then? I can’t conceive that there will be a 27th June 1941.

VII. Parents (December, 1940) [24:13]

How beautiful they were, those old people — I mean father and mother — how simple, how clear, how untroubled. I have been dipping into old letters and father’s memoirs. He loved her: oh and was so candid and reasonable and transparent… How serene and gay even, their life reads to me: no mud; no whirlpools. And so human — with the children and the little hum and song of the nursery. But if I read as a contemporary I shall lose my child’s vision and so must stop. Nothing turbulent; nothing involved; no introspection.

VIII. Last Entry (March, 1941) [28:57]

No: I intend no introspection. I mark Henry James’ sentence: observe perpetually. Observe the oncome of age. Observe greed. Observe my own despondency. By that means it becomes serviceable. Or so I hope. I insist on spending this time to the best advantage. I will go down with my colours flying… Occupation is essential. And now with some pleasure I find that it’s seven; and must cook dinner. Haddock and sausage meat. I think it is true that one gains a certain hold on sausage and haddock by writing them down.
[…to come back after a year or two, and find that the collection had sorted itself and refined itself and coalesced, as such deposits so mysteriously do, into a mould transparent enough to reflect the light of our life.]


La notte, ancora

Alphons Diepenbrock (2 settembre 1862 - 1921): Die Nacht, elegia per contralto e orchestra (1910-11) su testo di Friedrich Hölderlin. Janet Baker, mezzosoprano; Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest, dir. Bernard Haitink.

Rings um ruhet die Stadt; still wird die erleuchtete Gasse,
Und, mit Fackeln geschmückt, rauschen die Wagen hinweg.
Satt gehn heim von Freuden des Tags zu ruhen die Menschen,
Und Gewinn und Verlust wäget ein sinniges Haupt
Wohlzufrieden zu Haus; leer steht von Trauben und Blumen,
Und von Werken der Hand ruht der geschäftige Markt.
Aber das Saitenspiel tönt fern aus Gärten; vielleicht, daß
Dort ein Liebendes spielt oder ein einsamer Mann
Ferner Freunde gedenkt und der Jugendzeit; und die Brunnen
Immerquillend und frisch rauschen an duftendem Beet.
Still in dämmriger Luft ertönen geläutete Glocken,
Und der Stunden gedenk rufet ein Wächter die Zahl.
Jetzt auch kommet ein Wehn und regt die Gipfel des Hains auf,
Sieh! und das Schattenbild unserer Erde, der Mond,
Kommet geheim nun auch; die Schwärmerische, die Nacht, kommt,
Voll mit Sternen und wohl wenig bekümmert um uns,
Glänzt die Erstaunende dort, die Fremdlingin unter den Menschen,
Über Gebirgeshöhn traurig und prächtig herauf.
    (Friedrich Hölderlin, Brod und Wein I)

Riposa la città, il vicolo acceso azzittisce;
strepitano carrozze adorne di fiaccole,
la gente rincasa, sazia delle gioie del giorno,
un capo accorto calcola entrata e uscita
in pace e a casa, il mercato industrioso
spoglio di grappoli fiori e opere s’acquieta.
– Un violino lontano, da un giardino. Forse
qualcuno che ama o un solitario che pensa
gioie perdute, la sua giovinezza; perenni
fresche fontane scrosciano su aiuole odorose.
Erano nella penembra dell’aria rintocchi lenti,
qualcuno annuncia chiaro il conto delle ore.
Un soffio di vento muove le cime del bosco,
e il simulacro della terra, la luna,
viene in segreto: e la fantastica notte
che è ricca di stelle e di noi non si cura,
splende stupita, estraniata tra gli uomini
sopra le cime dei colli, triste e sfarzosa.
    (traduzione di Enzo Mandruzzato)
