Etruscan Concerto

Peggy Glanville-Hicks (29 dicembre 1912 - 1990): Etruscan Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra da camera (1954). Keith Jarrett, pianoforte; Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra, dir. Dennis Russell Davies.
Nella partitura, ciascun movimento reca in esergo una citazione da Etruscan Places di David Herbert Lawrence:

  1. Promenade

    «You cannot think of art, but only of life itself, as if this were the very life of the Etruscans dancing in their coloured wraps with massive yet exhuberant limbs, ruddy from the air and the sea-light, dancing and fluting along through the little olive trees out in the fresh day.»

  2. Meditation

    «There is a queer stillness and a curious peaceful repose about the Etruscan places…»

  3. Scherzo

    «There seems to have been in the Etruscan instinct a real desire to preserve the natural humour of life. And that is a task surely more worthy, and even more difficult than conquering the world.»