Perché le genti sono in tumulto e i popoli cospirano invano?

Thomas Tallis (c1505 - 1585): Why fum’th in fight? (Salmo 2:1-2), composto per il salterio dell’arcivescovo di Canterbury, Matthew Parker (1567). Theatre of Voices, dir. Paul Hillier.

Why fum’th in fight the Gentiles spite, in fury raging stout?
Why tak’th in hand the people fond, vain things to bring about?
The Kings arise, the Lords devise, in counsels met thereto,
against the Lord with false accord, against His Christ they go.

Ralph Vaughan Williams (12 ottobre 1872 - 1958): Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis per doppia orchestra d’archi (1910).

Folk songs: 2. The three ravens

Thomas Ravenscroft (c1582 - c1635): The three ravens. Versione per 1 voce e liuto: Alfred Deller e Desmond Dupré; versione per 4 voci e viol consort: Theatre of Voices diretto da Paul Hillier (voce solista Else Torp) e Fretwork.
Nell’interpretazione di Deller, le strofe sono accorpate a due a due.

There were three ravens sat on a tree,
  down a down, hay down, hay down,
There were three ravens sat on a tree,
  with a down,
There were three ravens sat on a tree,
They were as black as black could be,
  with a down, derry, derry, derry, down, down.

And one of them said to his mate:
Where shall we our breakfast take?

Down, [down] in yonder green field,
There lies a knight slain with his shield.

His hounds they lie down at his feet,
So well they their master keep.

His hawks they fly so eagerly,
There’s no fowl dare him come nie.

Down there comes a fallow doe,
As great with young as she might go.

She lift up his bloody head,
And kissed his wounds that were so red.

She got him up upon her back,
And carried him to earthen lake.

She buried him before the prime.
She was dead herself ere even-song time.

God send every gentleman
Such hawks, such hounds, and such a leman.

Non si hanno molte notizie su Ravenscroft, che però fu molto ammirato e stimato dai musicisti suoi contemporanei. Più che per le sue composizioni originali, è noto per un cospicuo numero di raffinati arrangiamenti di melodie tradizionali — qual è appunto The three ravens — che Ravenscroft pubblicò in tre diverse raccolte: Pammelia (1609), Deuteromelia: or The Second part of Musicks melodie (1609) e Melismata (1611).
Il nome di Ravenscroft comparirà spesso in questo blog 😉

Edward Frederick Brewtnall (1846-1902): The Three Ravens, acquerello su carta, c1883