
Thomas Ravenscroft (c1582 - c1633): Remember, O Thou Man, anthem a 4 voci (pubblicato nella raccolta Melismata, 1611, n. 23). The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers.

Remember, O thou man,
O thou man, O thou man,
Remember, O thou man,
Thy time is spent,
Remember, O thou man,
How thou art dead and gone
And I did what I can,
Therefore repent.

Remember God’s goodness,
O thou man, O thou man,
Remember God’s goodness
And his promise made.
Remember God’s goodness,
How he sent his Son doubtless
Our sins for to redress,
Be not afraid.

The angels all did sing,
O thou man, O thou man,
The angels all did sing
Upon the shepherds’ hill,
The angels all did sing
Praises to our heav’nly king,
And peace to man living
With a good will.

To Bethlem did they go,
O thou man, O thou man,
To Bethlem did they go,
The shepherds three,
To Bethlem did they go,
To see where it were so or no,
Whether Christ were born or no
To set man free.

In Bethlem he was born,
O thou man, O thou man,
In Bethlem he was born,
For mankind sake,
In Bethlem he was born
For us that were forlorn,
And therefore took no scorn,
Our flesh to take.

Give thanks to God alway,
O thou man, O thou man,
Give thanks to God alway,
Most joyfully.
Give thanks to God alway,
For this our happy day,
Let all men sing and say,
Holy, holy.

With carols and songs

Anonimo (sec. XVI): All Hail to the Days, carol natalizio inglese, noto anche come Drive the Cold Winter Away e In Praise of Christmas. The Baltimore Consort (strumentale); The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers.

All hail to the days
  that merit more praise
Than all the rest of the year,
And welcome the nights
  that double delights,
As well for the poor as the peer!
Good fortune attend
  each merry man’s friend,
That doth but the best that he may;
Forgetting old wrongs,
  with carols and songs,
To drive the cold winter away.

This time of the year
  is spent in good cheer,
And neighbours together do meet,
To sit by the fire,
  with friendly desire,
Each other in love do greet;
Old grudges forgot,
  are put in the pot,
All sorrows aside they lay,
The old and the young
  doth carol his song,
To drive the cold winter away.

To mask and to mum
  kind neighbours will come
With wassails of nut-brown ale,
To drink and carouse
  to all in the house,
As merry as bucks in the dale;
Where cake, bread and cheese
  is brought for your fees,
To make you the longer stay;
At the fire to warm
  will do you no harm,
To drive the cold winter away.

Felice inverno a tutti 🙂

Dolci pesi da sopportare

Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 - 27 agosto 1611): Vere languores nostros, mottetto a 4 voci (pubblicato in Motecta, que partim quaternis, partim quinis, alia senis, alia octonis vocibus concinuntur, vol. I, 1572, n. 11). The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers.

Vere languores nostros ipse tulit
et dolores nostros ipse portavit
cujus livore sanati sumus.

Dulce lignum, dulce clavos,
dulcia ferens pondera
quae sola fuisti digna sustinere
regem coelorum et Dominum.

While bees delight in opening flowers

Sir James MacMillan (16 luglio 1959): The Gallant Weaver per coro a cappella (1997) su testo di Robert Burns. The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers

Where Cart rins rowin’ to the sea,
By mony a flower and spreading tree,
There lives a lad, the lad for me,
He is a gallant Weaver.
O, I had wooers aught or nine,
They gied me rings and ribbons fine;
And I was fear’d my heart wad tine,
And I gied it to the Weaver.

My daddie sign’d my tocher-band,
To gie the lad that has the land,
But to my heart I’ll add my hand,
And give it to the Weaver.
While birds rejoice in leafy bowers,
While bees delight in opening flowers,
While corn grows green in summer showers,
I love my gallant Weaver.

Per crucem et sanguinem

Thomas Tallis (c1505 - 23 novembre 1585): Salvator mundi, mottetto a 5 voci (pub­bli­cato in Cantiones quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur, 1575, n. 1). The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers.

Salvator mundi, salva nos,
qui per crucem et sanguinem redemisti nos,
auxiliare nobis te deprecamur, Deus noster.

In terra aliena

Philippe de Monte (1521 - 4 luglio 1603): Super flumina Babylonis, mottetto per doppio coro a 8 voci sul testo del Salmo 137 (modificato). The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers.

Super flumina Babylonis illic sedimus et flevimus dum recordaremur tui, Sion.
Illic interrogaverunt nos qui captivos abduxerunt nos verba cantionum.
Quomodo cantabimus canticum Domini in terra aliena?
In salicibus in medio ejus suspendimus organa nostra.

Vestiti di bianco

Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 - 1611): O quam gloriosum est regnum, mottetto a 4 voci (da Motecta, que partim quaternis, partim quinis, alia senis, alia octonis vocibus concinuntur, vol. I, 1572, n. 1). The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers

O quam gloriosum est regnum
in quo cum Christo gaudent omnes Sancti!
Amicti stolis albis,
sequuntur Agnum, quocumque ierit.

Arrangiamenti della regina di Saba

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): «Arrival of the Queen of Sheba», sinfonia (preludio) al III atto dell’oratorio Solomon HWV 67 (1749). The Sixteen, dir. Harry Christophers.

Gli adattamenti di questo brano per organici diversi dall’originale sono numerosi. Ve ne propongo alcuni, scegliete voi quelli che vi piacciono di più 🙂

  • per organo: Gert van Hoef all’organo della Chiesa di San Martino in Dudelange (Lussemburgo)
  • per quartetto di sassofoni: Amethyst Quartet
  • per arpa: Ekaterina Afanasieva
  • per flauti dolci e orchestra: Lucie Horsch e Charlotte Barbour-Condini, flauti; The Academy of Ancient Music, dir. Bojan Čičić

  • per mandolini e chitarre, tutti suonati da Ben Bosco
  • per ensemble di ottoni: 10forBrass.